Doon Staffing

Passionate about building exceptional teams.

Over 10 years of industry experience attracting and connecting exceptional talent to opportunity enables us in assisting employers to build exceptional teams.

Doon Staffing is Committed to diversity and inclusion

Meet Your Staffing Dream Leadership team at Doon Staffing

We will be attentive and effective for all you hiring employers and for all you job seekers out there.

Doon Staffing Saran Kapoor smiling wearing a branded collared shirt

Saran Kapoor

Utilizing his years of engineering experience to create the most streamlined and effective hiring process, Saran helps walk business employers through the process of hiring the perfect employee for the required role.

Doon Staffing Shabham Sharma smiling wearing a branded collared shirt

shubham sharma

Several years recruiting experience, Shubham works out in the field to attract quality candidates for the jobs which need filling. Working as an interchangeable team Doon Staffing makes your perfect staffing team.

Doon Staffing Dinesh Kalra

Dinesh Kalra

Dinesh is a passionate recruiter and talent matchmaker with a knack for connecting awesome people with amazing opportunities. Thriving on helping businesses build dream teams, with Dinesh, hiring becomes fun, efficient, and impactful!

Doon Staffing is a full staffing solution for employers and job seekers

Job Seekers, checkout out our job board for new and exciting jobs.
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